


This section contains several references to websites that mention Jan Weiss and his work (I expect to complement this list continually).


The Slovak theater TEATRO TATRO, which attempts in its project MARINGOTKA to map out new opportunities of influencing theater audience, chose as the first thing in its repertoire Jan Weiss’s short story and staged it, calling it Bianka Braselli – dáma s dvoma hlavami (Bianka Braselli, a Two-Headed Lady). The theater website confirms this: (http://www.teatrotatro.sk/repertoar/bianka-braselli/).

Jan Weiss as the founder of Czech science fiction is presented by the sci-fi portal SCIFIWORLD (http://scifiworld.cz/author.php?AuthorID=78).

What can eluciadate Weiss’s legionnaire experience to us is the impressive view of the legionnaire anabasis in the interview with Václav Bartuška, who tracked the Czechoslovak legions in Russia

Jan Weiss’s profile is presented by the website SPISOVATELÉ.CZ: http://www.spisovatele.cz/jan-weiss as well as by LEGIE (http://www.legie.info/autor/314-jan-weiss).

An outline of Weiss’s filmography can be found on the website of Film database FDb.cz (http://www.fdb.cz/lidi/22569-jan-weiss.html?PHPSESSID=
) and České filmové nebe (Czech film heaven) (http://www.cfn.cz/detail_osoba.php?oid=22569).

A crucial commentary on Jana Weiss’s novel Dům o 1000 patrech appears in bachelor thesis of Petra Haramijová Jan Weiss: Dům o tisíci patrech. You can find it here: http://is.muni.cz/th/84949/ff_b/.

Subject word of Jan Weiss is included in the Wikipedia: (http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Weiss).

Jana Weiss’s personal fund from the period between 1915 and 1971 in Památník národního písemnictví (Museum of Czech Literature) is described here: http://www.pamatniknarodnihopisemnictvi.cz/cs/

The keyword Jan Weiss from Slovník české literatury po roce 1945 (Dictionary of Czech literature after 1945) can be found on the following address: