
2021 The novel Dům
o tisíci patrech (The House of a Thousand Floors) was published by
Dobrovský, s. r. o. in its 10th Czech edition, based on the 1958 version
published by Československý spisovatel.
On 17 August 2020, Mrs. Brigitte Leblanc
from the French publishing house Hachette Livre informed me
that they were
preparing to publish a French translation of the novel Dům
o tisíci patrech (The House of a Thousand Floors).
2016 English
translation of Dům o tisíci patrech was
published for the first time as The House of a Thousand Floors. The
translation by Alexandra
Büchler respects Czech edition from 1964 and
includes afterword by Alexandra
Büchler. Published
by Central European University Press,
Budapest – New
York. |
10 September 2013 at
the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno, Bc. Magdaléna
Kratochvílová defended her bachelor thesis Motivická
výstavba vybraných dramat Jana Weisse (Tři sny Kristiny Bojarové,
Usnul komediant... a Purpurové schodiště) – The Motivic
Structures in Selected Dramas by Jan Weiss (Three Dreams of Kristina
Bojarova, A Comedian Fell Asleep... and Purple Staircase ). The
link to the study is:
On 14
August 2013
I was contacted by Dr. Daniel Sáiz Lorca, who in 2006 wrote his PhD
thesis about Czech interwar science fiction. On pp. 100-132 you can
find a chapter devoted to Jan Weiss, on pp. 236-258 there is a
Spanish translation of several chapters from the novel The
House of One Thousand Floors.
The link to the study is:
10 September 2012
at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno, Bc. Libor
Kamenský defended his bachelor thesis Vývoj
fantastických motivů v povídkové tvorbě Jana Weisse –
Development of fantastic themes in short stories by Jan Weiss. The
link to the study is:
In 2012, in
order to
commemorate Jan Weiss’s 120th
birthday and the 40th
anniversary of his death, the
publishing house Nakladatelství
Bor published a
biography of Jan Weiss by Vilém
Kmuníček, called Hledání Jana Weisse (Searching for Jan Weiss).
The biography
clearly captures the
life and work of Jan Weiss, a world-famous
fiction-writer of the 20th century born in Jilemnice, one of the
founders of Czech sci-fi. Weiss’s life-story is presented here in
relation to his literary activities. The readers will be captivated
above all by the passages concerning the battles over the novel Mlčeti zlato (To Be
Silent is Gold),
when Weiss was deciding whether to continue writing. Similarly
interesting will be Weiss’s conflict with Oleg Sus, following which
Weiss eventually stopped writing. What can also be found here is
Weiss’s Vzpomínky na dětství (Memories of childhood), which
hasn’t been published so far, as well as passages about Weiss’s
participation in the Czechoslovak legion and his legionary drama Penza (Penza).
Hledání Jana
Weisse (Searching
for Jan Weiss)
becomes the first specific biography of Jan Weiss ever published,
which aims at joining the line of works by Karel Sezima (the first
systematic critic of Weiss’s
work) – Jaromír Horáček (the first biography of Jan
Weiss) – Karel Bogar (a fundamental work for Jan Weiss
biographies). The text is supplied by a rich appendix of photographs
and is published in the series Odkaz
On 8 December 2011
the book Puls
nekonečna. Kronika české
science fiction 2 od Vladimíra Babuly k Alexandru Kramerovi (The
puls of infinity: A chronicle of Czech science fiction 2 from
Vladimír Babula to Alexandr Kramer), compiled by Ivan Adamovič,
was launched in Prague. The second volume of a planned three-volume
anthology also contains a short story by Jan Weiss Nikdo vás
nezval (Nobody Invited You…).

On 28
April 2010, a press conference was held
in Prague, related to the launch of the book Vládcové
vesmíru. Kronika české science fiction od Svatopluka Čecha po
Jana Weisse (Space rulers: A chronicle of Czech science fiction from
Svatopluk Čech to Jan Weiss), compiled
by Ivan Adamovič. This anthology includes also a short story by Jan
Weiss Po operaci (After a surgery)
as well as his profile.
František Janalík issued in publishing house Plot an anthology of
entries published in magazine Krkonoše – Jizerské hory, named Krkonošské
poudačky (Krkonoše Tales). He presents more than thirty
authors, including Jan Weiss in the chapter Jarmark v Javorku
(Javorek Fair) from his novel Přišel z hor (He Came
from the Mountains). |
May 9, 2006 Unveiling of a memorial
plaque on Jan Weiss’ birth house, organized by the town of Jilemnice,
took place in Jilemnice at Valdštejnská street 68. The writer and
honorary citizen of Jilemnice was remembered by his contemporaries,
including the actor and also an honorary citizen of the town, Stanislav
2006 The completed reconstruction of the
exterior of the house where Jan Weiss was born will be followed by the
placement of a memorial plaque.
December 2005 Italian translation of Dům
o tisíci patrech (The House of One Thousand Floors) was
published for the first time as Il Palazzo a mille piani.
The translation respects the first Czech edition from 1929 and includes
a critical note by Chiara Baratella. Published by Editrice Santi
Quaranta, Treviso.
June 2004 The contract about publishing the
novel Dům o tisíci patrech (The House of One Thousand Floors)
in Italy (Editrice Santi Quaranta di Ferruccio Mazzariol,
Treviso) has been signed and its English edition is expected.