


The Hut of Death

Baraka smrti
In magazine (Národní Dnevnik, 1927, no. 154–180)

Baraka smrti
Slovenia, 1927


A Crazy Regiment

In magazine

Bucureşti 1989 or earlier

The House of One Thousand Floors

Mullerdom ma tysišc pięter
Warszawa 1960

Ezeremeletes ház
Bratislava 1962

Kuća s tisuću katova
Osijek 1964

La Maison aux Mille Etages
Verviers 1967

La Maison aux Mille Etages
Lausanne 1970

Дом в тысячу этажей
Moskva 1971

A casa dos mil andares
Lisaboa 1971

La Maison aux Mille Etages

Casa cu o mie de etaje
Cluj-Napoca 1976

French editions
1967 1974
Das Haus mit den tausend Stockwerken
Leipzig 1977

Дом в тысячу этажей
Moskva 1986
Karel Čapek in the same volume: Война с саламандрами
(Japanese edition)

Das Haus mit den tausend Stockwerken
Leipzig 1987

Das Haus mit den tausend Stockwerken
Baden-Baden 1989

Il Palazzo a mille piani
Treviso 2005

Italian edition (2005)

The House of a Thousand Floors
Budapest – New York

English edition (2016)


Prague 1956


People in the Zodiac

Bucureşti 1989 or earlier


Uncle Žuliján’s Meteor

Как я был великаном
Метэорит дядюшки Жулиана
Moskva 1967

Der rätselhafte Meteor
Berlin 1970


To Speak is Gold

In magazine (Newyorské listy):
USA, 1946


About Fidelity


Рассказы чешских писателей / Vier tschechische Erzählungen / Four Czech Short Stories / Quatre nouvelles tcheques / Cuatro novelas checas
О верности / Von der Treue / Faithful Service / Fidélité / Fidelidad
Praha 1957

Cuatro novelas checas
Habana 1961

Cseh elbeszélők, XX. század
A hűségről
Budapest 1962

Four Czech Short Stories
Colombo 1963

Izbor čeških novela
O vjernosti
Zagreb 1964


A Message from the Stars

Pasiuntinys iš žvaigždžiu
In anthology: Besišypsanti mergaité
Lithuania, 1936



In anthology: Stověžatá
USA, 1945

In magazine (Prager Presse 1929, no. 43)


A Dream about a Kormodor

Le commodore
In magazine (Parallèle 50, no. 58, 6. 9. 1947)


A Sleeper in the Zodiac

Więzień zodiaku
Warszawa 1962


A Call for Help

Wołanie o pomoc
Warszawa 1963


The Country of Grandsons

В стране наших внуков
Moskva 1959

Probably USSR (a special speech), 1968

A Mirror that Falls Behind

Lo specchio che ritarda
In magazine (L’Italia letteraria)


unspecified prose

In anthology, arranged by Elsa Westh, publishing house Haase
Copenhagen 1937