This section contains the
following extracts of texts:
Short story Jednoročák
(A One-Year-Old), originally called Zpověď
člověka (A Confession of a Man) in the collection Barák smrti
(The Hut of Death), 1927
Drama Usnul komediant… (A
Comedian Fell Asleep…), unpublished
Short story Apoštol (The Apostle),
originally Poselství z hvězd (A Message from the Stars) in the
collection Barák smrti (The Hut of Death), 1927
Novel Dům o 1000 patrech (The
House of a Thousand Floors), 1929
Short story Zrcadlo, které se opožďuje
(A Mirror that Falls Behind), In: Zrcadlo,
které se opožďuje (A Mirror that Falls Behind), 1927
Prose piece Dva sny (Two Dreams),
In: Zrcadlo, které se opožďuje (A Mirror that Falls Behind),
Drama Básník a boxer (A Poet and a Boxer),
Novel Přišel z hor (He Came from
the Mountains), 1941
Drama Purpurové schodiště
(Purple Staircase), unpublished
Short story Prasklá váza (A
Cracked Vase), In: Země vnuků (The Country of Grandsons),
Short story Neboť mne vedou jejich ruce…
(For I am Led by their Hands…), In: Hádání
o budoucím (Guessing About the Future), 1963
Reflexion Na podzim (In Autumn),